The PMI-OC Mentoring Program is designed to facilitate the development and enhancement of project management competencies for PMI-OC Chapter members.
By providing members with a structured one-on-one mentoring relationship between a mentor and a mentee, it’s an opportunity for pairs to share experiences, develop project management skills/knowledge, in a chosen area or industry.
Mentors are experienced, successful, and knowledgeable project management professionals who are willing to facilitate the professional growth and support of a colleague.
Mentees are individuals who are seeking professional growth in project management methodology, knowledge, and experience.
About Us

·    The PMI-OC Mentoring Program is offered to current PMI-OC Chapter members.

·    The PMI-OC Mentoring Program is designed to facilitate the development and enhancement of project management competencies for the PMI-OC Chapter members and the community at large.

·    The goal of the PMI-OC Mentoring Program is to provide its members with the opportunity to both share experiences and develop project management skills and knowledge in a chosen area or industry.

·    The format of the PMI-OC Mentoring Program is structured in a one-on-one mentoring relationship between a mentor and a mentee.

·    Mentors are experienced, successful, and knowledgeable project management professionals who are willing to accept the responsibility for facilitating professional growth and support of a colleague.

·    Mentees are individuals who are seeking professional growth in project management methodology, knowledge, and experience.

·    Mentors and mentees will be matched in one-on-one mentoring relationship.

Join Now

The PMI-OC Mentoring Program is now accepting applications for both mentees and mentors.

To be enrolled in the program, you must be a current PMI Orange County Chapter member.
The PMI-OC Mentoring Program Orientation typically kicks off in the Spring of each calendar year.
After you submit your online application, a representative from the PMI-OC Mentoring Program will contact you to provide additional information and discuss next steps.
Click the link below to submit your online application to be enrolled in the PMI-OC Mentoring Program.

