2020 October Pivotal Webinar

2018 Aug Banner webinar CriticalChange

October 22 (Thu) and October 27 (Tue) - PMI-OC Webinar

Online (A link will be provided 30 minutes before each webinar via email) 

The Silent Killer of Enterprise IT Projects

Description of Webinar

Over seventy percent (70%) of enterprise IT projects fail. For larger, more complex projects over a million dollars the failure rate jumps to ninety-five percent (95%). These failures cost US companies roughly $500 Billion every year. Nearly seventy-five percent (75%) of these failures happen for one reason. It’s not the technology. It’s not the team. It’s because what the business is trying to do is never fully communicated; therefore, it’s never fully understood. The problem isn’t the way we communicate. It’s the silent void that represents all the things we don’t say.

The origins of this “silence” are not what we have assumed. Psychologists and neuroscientists have recently discovered that our minds don’t work the way we thought they worked. We’ve been completely ignoring the biggest constraint to which every enterprise IT project is primarily subject—and that’s the limitations of the human brain. This discovery has profound implications both for how we manage project communications and how we interact with our colleagues.

The purpose of this two part presentation is threefold. On October 22nd I’ll unpack how most enterprise IT projects fail and explain the mental constraints that are responsible for those failures. Less than a week later on October 27th I’ll offer a simple solution—a checklist—that plugs into the PMBOK methodology and can be easily adopted by anyone to prevent such communication voids from destroying their IT projects.

Time of Webinar for both October 22nd and October 27th

6:45 – Webinar open for joining
7:00 – Webinar start
7:45 – Questions and answers
8:00 – Webinar end

Attendee Cost – Free

Speaker Bio

David P. Burrill, Senior Technology Executive (President, COO, CIO), Entrepreneur, Author, Speaker, Board Director and Advisor

Dave is a senior technology executive (President, COO, CIO), entrepreneur, author, speaker, board director and advisor. He’s been a management team member of three successful tech companies taking each from co-founding or early stage, through multiple financing rounds, and rapid revenue growth to either IPO or acquisition. He’s a trusted advisor and C-Suite peer with the expertise and experience to bridge disciplines from finance and operations to IT. He has over 35 years of technology project management experience leading multi-discipline, multi-region teams that successfully completed projects for clients ranging from start-ups to Fortune 50.

Both professionally and as a volunteer Dave has spent over a decade partnering with educators, the National Alliance on Mental Illness and hospital systems across the US to bring enabling technologies to behavioral and population health initiatives. He has collaborated with psychologists and clinicians to author over a dozen articles for various healthcare journals and has co-edited five books on the life lessons of patients and families dealing with mental illness. Influenced by these experiences he has returned to his first interest—information systems—to address the growing disparity between what neuroscience now knows and what business has yet to embrace.

Dave is a former PWC Consultant and CPA, member of the PMI and Scrum Alliance, a PMP and CSM. He’s received awards for his work in SaaS, advanced analytics and machine learning, and has been selected to Who’s Who in American Executives & Professionals. He pursued his doctorate in Organization and Systems Design at the University of Southern California where he also earned his MBA. He holds bachelor’s degrees in Economics and Psychology from the University of California, Irvine. 

There are 2 PDUs for this event (1 for each session).

PDU Category: Leadership

Registration instructions 

This webinar is a 2-part series and each part is worth 1 PDU.  Register once to sign up for both sessions.  Viewing both sessions is critical as the second session builds on the first.  After each session, the recording will be sent to all registrants. Therefore, in the event that you cannot attend one of the sessions, you can catch up by watching the recording. However, you must attend live to be eligible for PDUs. 

It is no longer possible to register for this event

It is no longer possible to register for this event


Type of category: Special Events

Type of activity:

Date: October 22nd, 2020

Hour: 6:45PM to 8:00PM

Registration close date: October 22nd, 2020 at 4:45PM

# of PDUs: 0


Students: Free

Double click me!Members: Free

Non-members and Guests: Free

