2020 April Pivotal Webinar

2018 Aug Banner webinar CriticalChange

April 23 (Thurs) - PMI-OC Webinar

Online (A link will be provided 30 minutes before the webinar via email) 

How to Use Your Brain to Create & Sustain the Outcomes You Desire

Description of Webinar

There is a science behind how to engage our brain to change in order to demonstrate a next level of success in such areas as innovation, productivity, leadership and influence, and stress reduction.

This groundbreaking content is based on 25 years of research in neuroscience that is only now making its way into corporations and organizations worldwide. You will have the opportunity to be one of the first in your organization to implement a neuroscience-based approach to change and create next-level results and outcomes for yourself and your project teams.

This training will provide practical models and tools for immediate implementation to create a new level of success in managing projects and managing life!

You will learn how to:

  • Use a model for change that will immediately enable you to access a greater level of your potential
  • Think greater than your current environment and circumstances to achieve your desired results
  • Go from living in survival (stress) to living in creation
  • Use a tool for overcoming any challenge or obstacle to produce your desired results and outcomes

Time of Webinar

6:45 – Webinar open for joining
7:00 – Start of presentation
7:45 – Questions and answers
8:00 – End of webinar

Attendee Cost – Free


Judy Hersch, CEO, Corporate Coach & Consultant

Judy has 20 years of corporate training and leadership experience in optimizing global project teams for top organizations in industries such as pharmaceutical, technology, and manufacturing. Her company, Evolution Solutions, understands the day-to-day challenges leaders and organizations face in achieving goals and objectives, driving innovation, and enabling organization and strategic alignment.

As a certified NeuroChangeSolutions Consultant, she brings a very unique approach to her training and corporate coaching. Using neuroscience as the foundation for teaching practical, reproducible tools and techniques, she is able to facilitate a change in the way her participants use their brains to make decisions. The results for individuals, teams, and organizations have been unprecedented in terms of productivity, leadership, engagement, and collaboration, which translates into increased success and profitability for all stakeholders.

There is 1 PDU for this event

PDU Category: Leadership

It is no longer possible to register for this event

It is no longer possible to register for this event


Type of category: Special Events

Type of activity:

Date: April 23rd, 2020

Hour: 6:45PM to 8:00PM

Registration close date: April 23rd, 2020 at 4:45PM

# of PDUs: 0


Students: Free

Double click me!Members: Free

Non-members and Guests: Free

